
生态方框护坡模具建造规范 生态方框护坡模具制作规范


。Ecological box slope protection mould is a kind of special mould in slope protection mould, which is mainly used for making special slope protection products. The conventional slope protection mould includes hexagonal slope protection mould, pentagonal slope protection mould, hollow slope protection mould, solid slope protection mould, arch slope protection mould, arc slope protection mould, herringbone slope protection mould, I-shaped slope protection mould, etc These molds are often used in road engineering. Sometimes, slope protection mould with special shape and specification is needed for production. If the conventional ecological box slope protection mould can not meet the specification requirements, the slope protection steel mould is usually used for production. The ecological box slope protection mould is madayx����Ϸȫվe of steel plate by welding. The specification and size can be customized according to the needs to meet the use of various road projects, which also greatly improves the sales volume of slope protection steel mould.

上一篇:ayx爱游戏全站-预制盖板模具 天利模具 预制盖板模具型号 家用预制盖板模具参数【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:ayx爱游戏全站-贵州 电缆槽盖板模具 公路沟盖板模具 厂家【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】