
宏旭-预制井篦子模具-混凝土雨水篦子模具 宏旭-预制井篦子模具-混凝土雨水篦子模具



The dimensions of the preformed well grate mould are generally 700, 800 and 900, and the wall thickness is about 7 cm, 8 cm, 9 cm and 10 cm. The preformed well grate mould is matched with the well body mould. In the new project, a complete set of molds is generally used, including inspection well mold, well ring mold and sewage well mold. Once the installation of this set of well body and well cover equipment is completed, because the mold of well ring and well cover is installed on the surface, it is easy to be damaged.

There are fonts on the mould of prefabricated well grate. According to the description of the font, different uses are different. The mold of prefabricated well grate includes sewage well mold, power cable well mold, well cover mold marked by China Unicom and well cover mold marked by China Mobile. In a word, the mold of well ring and well cover is very common. How do customers choose the prefabricated well grate mold and the plastic mold for the well ring? The manufacturer has the existing size, so it is more economical to choose the plastic mold of the well ring as far as possible.

上一篇:ayx爱游戏全站-一体混凝土检查井铁模具设计公司【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:ayx爱游戏全站-环鼎特钢(山东)有限公司