
宏旭-海岸预制防浪石模具-海边防浪石模具 宏旭-海岸预制防浪石模具-海边防浪石模具


The introduction of seashore wave prevention stone mold is divided according to the specific model. The seaside wave prevention stone mold can also be called the wave block mold, which is a kind of prefabricated block mold specially used in the seaside slope protection. Because of the large volume of the prefabricated block and the long use period of each set of formwork, the mold has always been welded with steel formwork, which can save the production cost. The mould of seaside wave break stone is a kind of prefabricated block mould used in the seaside. The mould of wave prevention stone can also be called the mould of wave block. Its structure is relatively simple and generally presents the pyramid pattern, which is somewhat similar to the permeable triangular pyramid precast block used in the Yangtze River area. The main purpose of wave prevention stone is to alleviate the impact of sea water. Many such stones can be seen in seaside scenic spots. Why is this structure designed? Because this structure of the breakstone can be permeable, so that the tide can effectively alleviate the impact of sea water, for the long-term use of precast block has a certain advantage. The mould used to produce the anti wave stone is generally steel formwork. Because of its large volume and unique shape, plastic mould can not complete the production of mould, so steel formwork is used in many cases. The use of wave break stone is very common in coastaayx����Ϸȫվl areas. Because this kind of prefabricated block is not needed in the mainland, this kind of mold is not used.

上一篇:ayx爱游戏全站-宏旭定制 水利鱼巢砖模具 水泥鱼巢砖钢模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:ayx爱游戏全站-台州注射模具公司周转筐塑料模具