ayx爱游戏全站-宏旭定制 混凝土阶梯护坡砖模具 阶梯式护坡砖模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

宏旭定制 混凝土阶梯护坡砖模具 阶梯式护坡砖模具 宏旭定制 混凝土阶梯护坡砖模具 阶梯式护坡砖模具

Slope protection can be divided into two kinds of slope protection molds, one is steel mold slope protection, the other is plastic slope protection mold, what is slope protection? Slope protection is the slope on both sides of the high-speed railway, dams and reservoirs to avoid water and soil loss, which will not cause much difficulty. Ecological ladder type slope protection brick mold ladder type ecological slope protection mold is divided into several types: hexagonal block slope protection, rectangular slope protection mold, cement slope protection mold, mold hexagonal slope protection: solid hexagonal slope protection mold can soil and water loss, hollow hexagonal slope protection: hollow hexagonal slope protection can some grass, prevent water and soil loss. Chain slope protection, ecological slope protection: if ecological slope protectiayx����Ϸȫվon is a gateway, it should be used in dike and other aspects, and ecological slope protection can better protect ecological balance. Arched slope protection: there are two situations of arched slope protection: one is the arched slope protection plastic mold. As usual, the arched plastic mold is prefabricated, and the other is the arch steel mold. The arch slope protection steel mold is common cast-in-place mold. We usually build it with 3mm or 4mm main board and 4mm or 5mm rib plate. We can also provide customers with drawings about the size of the necessary mold.

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